Gza T. Genius
Full-Time Investor
(Player Last Active: September 1, 2022, 11:23 AM)
Level: Deity (Level 14)
Fame: Ordinary (Level 25)
Networth: $184,467,415,787,850,304.00 ($184 Q)
Cash: $184,467,415,787,850,304.00 ($184 Q)
Age: 586
Gza T. Genius runs MultiEvil Conglomerate better known as ME. ME has had its hand in many companies. It is said that ME may have existed in one form or another since the beginning of existence and maybe even earlier.
Supreme beings have given Gza immortality. He is over 350 years old in this iteration of his body. The ultimate goal or purpose of ME is unclear, but whatever it is, it is most certainly evil.
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